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How to Save Outfits/Set your skin

Next, you want to open up Minecraft. Go onto Mcplayers End or even just single player. Press the F12 Key on your keyboard. This will open up the More Player Models menu.

So what you want to do first, is open up

And get/make the skin you want to add as an outfit/set your skin.

After you are finished, Press save and then the menu will pop up,

press save again.

Now it will give you the link to the skin in the first box

on the bottom left corner of the menu. copy the link by press Ctrl V or right clicking the link and by clicking copy.

Go to the Skin Url tab on the left bottom corner of your screen, and paste it there.

Now you got the skin. to save it, click on the Save Settings button at the top right corner.

You will then get to name it what ever you like, and then press Save.

To load the skin, press Load Settings, and select the desired skin.

That's all there is to it! Have fun with your new Outfit/Skin! Also please use this way to set your Look-Alike Skin if you don't want to change your current one. Thank you.

How to Age Up Properly

Make sure you configure your player models of each age of your character, And save them. Make sure you do that right when you start playing on Mcplayers End for in the future. You will age up every Minecraft Year on your Birthday. There is a calendar mod that alows dates so you can have a birthday. When it's time to Age Up do the following.

You can have the particles last as long as you like. Maybe do a little dance or something! Please use this way to Age Up. Thank you.


Also, please have a family member or someone else play the special Age Up Records when ageing up like so.

Don 't worry, It will be more smooth and on time when you have someone else do it. Please Age up like this. Thank you.

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